Friends are forever as they say. And so are friendship quotes. With just a few well chosen words, you can let that special friend in your life know how you feel about them how they are always there for you, how you cherish the time you spend together and how they always seem to know just what youre thinking. And while it may be hard for you to put all these big friendship feelings into words, others have done the hard work for you, capturing the very essence of your deepest and warmest thoughts about your dearest friends.
"Words are easy, like the wind; Faithful friends are hard to find."This quote from the master wordsmith himself, William Shakespeare, captures the value of
friendship effortlessly. Words are easy, although finding the words to express the deepness of a bond of friendship that has stayed strong through hardships, shared joys, and spanned years may prove to be a difficult trial. Maybe this friendship has even lasted since graduation, through marriages and children, divorces and moves, and no matter the distance, someone has always been there. How can this kind of loyalty be honored, especially when nothing seems adequate enough to convey the feelings inside?
All friendships go through rough patches; an argument or disagreement can cause hurt in these that are among the most intimate of relationships. A friendship quote could be the best way for you to touch that special friend in your life, a needed addition to a note asking forgiveness, the perfect reminder of the friendship you share.
If a dear friend is struggling with life or work, the Great-Quotes collection of motivational and inspirational quotes can put the light back in their eyes and the fire back in their soul. Or, when a friend is feeling down, use one of our many of funny quotes to brighten their day and bring a smile to their face, and yours!
Though far from being able to truly portray the depth of friendship, words have the most power to convey meaning; they give expression to the innermost feelings of the soul. Definition of Friends Or Friendship

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Featured Book: Lift-Your-Spirits Quote Book by Allen Klein
Another outstanding collection of quotes from the bestselling motivational speaker and author. This time there are over 650 words of wisdom to inspire and nurture body, mind, and soul, all arranged thematically to cover such topics as friendship, laughter, nature, faith, happiness, and much more. A wonderful gift.
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